
Mount Dempo

Name: Dempo Mount
Height: 3.195
Region: Sumatra
Country: Indonesia

Dempo mountain is a mountain located on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia. Dempo have a mountain at an altitude of 3195 meters.Dempo Mount have Dipterokarp Hill forest area, forest Dipterokarp Top, Montane forest, forest and mountain forest or Ericaceous.

Mount Dempo (3159 mdpl) located in the border province of South Sumatra and Bengkulu provinces. To reach the nearest village, first you must reach the city Pagar Alam, approximately 7 hours drive from Palembang land. South Sumatra's capital is available to the many bus Pagar Alam. Or if you are from, before you can ride bus or Bengkulu, Padang, and down in Lahat.
Pagar Alam city, is consistent with the name, the city is clearly surrounded by the Bukit Barisan mountain range and the top of the line is Gunung Dempo. This mountain is very beautiful tower vertical wave nan blue sky when viewed in the morning.
It is therefore very appropriate when the first overnight in the city, many available here inn or motel, around Rp. 20,000 a night. Culture is a city that berbaur from different tribes and migrants both create genuine peace that you do not get in the big cities.

Although the mountain is high enough, but the water is clear there is a half-way up the mountain to the climber so that this does not worry about running out of drinking water during the trip. A small crystal clear river, flows in the border forest omen we start to enter the forest area that it is with plants that are similar as we find in the mountains Gede-Pangrango, namely forest montana. Pathways with full root-root of the cross, slope gradient steep enough to own rack sweat. There are no special signs, the forest is almost homogeneous and very serene.

Four or five hours later, we will enter the area with plants, vegetation berpohon the lower and lower, some slightly open, a view also to be knowledgeable. Dempo mountain has two peaks of the one called Peak fire. Towards the top of the first Dempo, which is plain masif, Peak it is the first plant of similar low perdu. From this first summit we descend back to the valley diapit by the first peak and the main peak. In this valley, there is a source of water flowing here. Only the water is clear it's a little wrinkled, may be the influence of seepage sulfur.

Climbing to the top of the main is not too difficult. Slope of its gravel and stones with a slope of approximately 40 ° slope, stable enough to didaki. Dempo main peak of the mountain (3158 m), is a volcanic crater which still flare with a diameter of approximately one hundred square meters. Crater wall is steep and may not be possible without dituruni rock temali strap. Landscape of the peak is quite cool. In addition to craters that provide special effects, also appear to overlay Bengkulu province with the Indian Ocean with the carpet and desolate valley of serene. Travel down only takes two hours. Benighted when you can stay in Dusuun VI, with the first ask permission of the security there.


  1. wuuih indah banget Mas Indra. jadi kepingin naik.

  2. iahh baguus tuh pemandangannya keren baget.. ku blon perna ksna..

    eh btw tuh lasg hunting ksna yak??

  3. DEMPO? seperti Nama SMU di Kota Malang.

  4. hy. thanks fur coming

  5. Wah jadi kepengen main ke dempo nich, dulu udah sempat main kesana sich. nice place

  6. nice place...
    I wish I could go there...

    well, nice to know you too...

    thank you for visiting my blog...


  7. Aje Gile...

    keren puncaknya!

    sayang jauh!!

  8. wah wah...
    terkapar kecape.an kak....

  9. alloowwww...

    dah nyinggah kan???


    wah mantap bgt nih palembang...

    mau donk mpek2 nya...

  10. pemandangannya bagus2..bikin mata ini jadi fresh serasa sedang bertamasya...hehe..

  11. salam kenal juga mas indra. jgn bosen ngintipin dan komen d blog ku ya. oia, blog nya informatif bgt tuh apa lagi untuk org2 yg ingin berwisata ke Palembang...(^_^)

  12. salam knal jga..


  13. It i very beautiful!!!! Kapan y busa ke sana ??? Hehe,,

  14. maaf mas maksud saya kapan ya bisa ke sana? hehe,,

  15. How beautiful and green! I love it!
    Thanks for always taking the time to comment on my blog... It means a lot to me!

  16. These are beautiful places. So relaxing to the eyes.:D

    Thanks for visiting my blog. Come back soon.

    Have a nice day.:D

  17. wow.. blognya keren.. ^^
    iya.. salam kenal juga..
    saya baru nih di dunia blog, mohon bimbingannya..

  18. uwwahhh bagus banget.tapi namanya unik ya. Dempo. ada juga produk kecantikan namanya dempo. apa terinspirasi dari gunung itu..?

    hm..Lama nggak jj kesini. nambah pengetahuan lagi nich infonya

  19. If you can advise how to find pictures of your country, maybe in the future to put a collection on Indonesia on photosphera

    Hello, & & S.I. & &

  20. Hi! Selamat pagi! :)
    Nice to meet you. My name is Suemi.
    Thanks for visit!
    See ya!

  21. salam kenal juga deh. trima kasih kamu uda mau dateng ke blog aku.
    tp kamu jg perlu tau blog hati aku di setiap bait puisi di


    kamu nak pelembang ya?

  22. How beautiful and green!

    thank you for visiting my blog

  23. Cantik sekali pemandangannya, salam kenal juga Ndra.. makasih kunjungannya. Banyak artikel bagus disini, wah .. bisa menambah wawasan dunk :-) Salam..

  24. salam kenal juga =)
    blog kamu all about Palembang ya?

  25. thanks udah kasih koment ke blog ku
    lam kenal yah dari aku
    boleh ga gabung di blog kamu??

  26. aku suka alam dan keindahannya...smoga terus begitu ya alami dan gak dirusak tangan2 jahil..he..he..

  27. Lam kenal juga...
    Duh,,kamu bener cinta negri yagh...sampai2 postinganmu banyak tentang tanah airmu. Aku bangga, di zaman mang semakin canggih, masih ada rakyat yang peduli dg semua itu..
    Good luck aja yagh...

  28. Aku berkunjung balik ke blog mu yg sarat informasi tempat2 yg indah..
    Salam kenal yach..

  29. Hmmm... Boleh juga tuh... Gunung lain yang menarik untuk di daki di Sumatera.


  30. iya...?

    ikut server DBS sama bonus pulsa

  31. slm kenal juga . thanx 4 visiting my blog .
    exchange links?

  32. Hi JuA...
    LaM KEnaL JuGa yOw
    Oz PeMandangaN paLemBang bAgUs juga Ya,,Jd PiNgiN kCanA Ni...
    ThaNkS To Ur ViSiT...!!!!

  33. Oke..
    btw lo pinter b.ing yak??
    emm.. i am stupid english

  34. hehe..
    saya baru tau kalo dempo itu gunung di sumsel.. taunya dempo itu nama jalan di sebelah tempat kos saya di kota malang. nice post..

  35. blh2 z,,, oia pmandanganny bgus lo....


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