

Songkets Palembang is the queen of cloth and its cultural heritage is highly valued since days of old. fabric is also the Crown songkets Arts weaving a high value. Making his techniques require high accuracy.
Sparkling shine off gold and radiated on the woven fabric, the value itself. Composed of a series of threads and teranyam create a symmetrical pattern on the fabric is made with the skills of people who understand the various ways to create a quality garment, and who is able to decorate cloth with various designs.
Songkets is made with traditional skills that understand the various ways to create a quality garment, and who is able to decorate cloth with various designs. This capability is usually inherited from generation to generation.
Sewet songkets or Kain songkets that is usually used or worn as a dressing gown the bottom. These are usually sewet with Kemban or shawl.
Material sewet songkets this carefully woven with the use of silk. Typical songkets Palembang is located on the refinement and elegance to its very prominent and it is not the same motif with the motif fabric songkets other areas Indonesian

Therefore sewet songkets this material is made with fine art and a high enough price so expensive. Usually used in a certain time during the celebration of marriage.
Songke clothing worn by the full pengaten, usually with Aesan Gede (greatness) Aesan Pengganggon (Paksangko) Aesan. Selendang Mantri Aesan Gandek (Gandik) and so forth.
One strand woven fabric songkets from Palembang, has many meanings, and have historical value. Cloth as this may be the ancestor of the residual owner of woven over a year, perhaps as dowry, may be dressed as the traditional pomp, as may the family of a valuable collection, and more likely the other.
Woven fabric songkets Palembang this, very interesting, be history, its meaning, and techniques pembuatannya. If we consider the special color, and motif hiasnya beautiful, surely we concluded that this songkets created with skill, patience, patience, and creative power that high.

Kinds of motives songkets Palembang

Motif : Bintang Berante

Motif : Bungo Pacik

Motif : Tigo Negeri

Motif : Kenango Makan Ulet

Motif :Batang Kayu Apui

Motif: Bungo Jepang

Motif : Pulir

Motif : Biji Pare

Motif :Nampan Perak

Motif Bunga Cino

Motif : Bunga Intan

Motif : Tabur Limas

Motif : Lepus Berakam

Motif : Cantik Manis

Motif : Nago Betarung


  1. Truly lovely fabric...Drop by any time...you are most welcome.

  2. What lovely fabric, such pretty colors and designs ... thank you for visiting my blog!

  3. Very interestingly and cognitive. P.s. I not from Russia and from Ukraine. I did not understand your question.

  4. Dear Indra, thanks for your comment on my blog. I see you know Russian, and I also knew English.
    The city you write about is very interesting. I will be glad to make friends with you. So we can communicate with help of our blogs.
    Best regards,

  5. So many amazing colors and beautiful pattersn. Wow. I love them.

  6. What beautiful fabrics! They look like jewels!

  7. In Italy, he made a very cold winter and heavy snowfall, many years were not snowing so, now you go to the spring, no rain for several more days and temperatures are warmer.

    On the contrary you have a tropical climate.

    Very beautiful and interesting local crafts, fruit and work experience

    Hello friend, Marlow

  8. i thought only the batak who has songket.. so do the palembang.. by the way thanx for reading my blog. i'm glad you like it :)

  9. Interesting. I love when people sticks with their traditional ways of living.
    Lovely Art

  10. so grateful to know songket of Palembang. Blognya menarik sekali, sy jd bangga dg keragaman budaya bangsa ini.terus lestarikan dan promosikan ya!

  11. good color and design.. very interesting..
    btw keep blogging..^^

  12. your blog is so interesting! I love this fabric! Thank you for visiting my blog ;)

  13. With your blog I can find the places and the culture I didn't Now yet. So, keep blobbing and tel us about your country.
    Thanks for your visit !

  14. Hello,Indra

    I like these fabric.
    so pretty

    Thank you for visitting my blog.
    You are always welcome.

  15. It is beautiful design.
    overseas cloth is mysterious.


  16. Mampir baca2 artikel menarik di blog mu..
    Mau donk kain songketnya...
    Salam kenal dariku yaach...

  17. bagus bget songketnya,,boleh2 dong kapan2 vera maen kesana,,diajarin cara buatnya...

  18. ya bukanlah
    masa metro-tv cie
    ya kota metro dunx!!!

    dah pernah ke lampung lum???

  19. Thank you for visiting my blog.
    Your blog is so nice!

  20. hahaha
    kak aku link kakak ych
    nama apa nech

  21. aku kasih nama palembang_city ych

  22. thank u for visiting my 'home' ;)

  23. Great blog, thank you for visiting Creative Intelligence!

    Best regards

  24. terima kasih sudash berkunjung ke blog saya..tapi kenapa tidak ada cbox?

  25. HI Dra, salam kenal, itu sarung mirip sarun sutra tenunan yang banyak di tenun di kampung gw di Sengkang Sulawesi Selatan. Thanks yah dah mampir di blog gw.

  26. :)
    iya, aku asli bogor..
    Di bogor lg musim apa ya?? Lg musim ujan.. Hehe..
    Di palembang bgmna?

  27. Haluuu... salam kenal juga indra...

    the city of palembang, huh??

    gw belom pernah kesana euy :">

    tapi gw punya banyag tuu kaen songket..
    (ketauan tukang maen ke kondangan :-S)


  28. Hi, Indra...
    Cantik-cantik yah songketnya..
    Makasih ya, udah mampir ke blog ku... Tukaran link yuk...

  29. Lovely Fabric!
    Aloha from Hawaii

  30. ada lah om batik sumatera, namun lebih dikenal dengan songket mungkin yaaa........batik disini aq kelompokkan pada motif warnanya yang begitu indah.....

  31. songket dengan tapis berbeda gak? saya suka lihat tapis. tapi belum dengan songket--kecuali di gambar.

  32. Indra, Nice to meet u...anyway what a nice place n songket i've never knew before!!!

  33. those fabrics are beautiful :)
    Thank you for visiting my blog ..

  34. kain songket bisa gak dimodifikasi agar gak dipakai di acara budaya semata...tp tuk sehari2 juga...kayak trend batik gtu lho...so anak2 muda kan bisa bergaya dewngan songket..he..he..

  35. beautiful!
    hi..kamu punya myspace?
    add aku

  36. songket adalah kain kegemaran aku :)
    saya ada dua songket di Malaysia. Your blogs are interesting, good work.

  37. Songkets Palembang is a creative fabric and your designes are so beautiful,do you know how much it cost?
    my best

  38. thank you for visit my blog!
    nice to meet too!
    I love this fabrics♥
    greetings from argentina =)


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