Kuto Besak is building a palace in the XVIII century became the center of Palembang Sultanate. The idea of establishing Benteng Kuto in initiative by Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin I who ruled in 1724-1758 and the implementation of the development is completed by the successor Sultan Mahmud Bahauddin who ruled in 1776-1803. Sultan Mahmud Bahauddin is a figure of Palembang Darussalam Sultanate of realistic and practical in international trade and a believer that makes Palembang as the central religious literature in the archipelago. Marking its role as a sultan's palace he moved to Kuto LAMO Kuto Besak. Dutch call Besak as Kuto Nieuwe palace new .
This fortress built in 1780 dengn architect who is not known with certainty and implementation of control work in a Chinese trust. Adhesive cement limestone bricks used in the Ogan River hinterland with egg white. Time used to build this Kuto Besak approximately 17 years. Place officially on Monday on 21 Feburari 1797.
Sketsa picture palace Palembang by J. Jeakes
Unlike the old location of the palace is located in the hinterland, the new palace stands in a position that is very open, strategic, and it is very beautiful. Position facing the Musi River.
At that time, the City of Palembang is still surrounded by the children of the river that split the city into islands. Kuto Besak was as if standing on the island because it is limited by Sekanak River in the west, Tengkuruk River in the east, and Kapuran River in the north.
Sketch a picture palace Palembang year 1811
Kuto Besak fortress at this place by Komando Military Region (Kodam) Sriwijaya.
Development and regulation in the area around Plaza Benteng Kuto Besak akan projected to be a place of entertainment open to sell Musi charm and historic buildings. If viewed from the bridge or across Ulu Ampera, the look is the broad background with a palm tree row in the Benteng Kuto Besak, and the water tower at the Office Mayor of Palembang.
At night in the day, akan atmosphere feels more dramatic. Light from the light-tier garden lights create the reflection on the surface of the yellow river.
The city has a number of local government development plan to support the Plaza Benteng Kuto Besak as tourism.
Forms and soil conditions in the city of Palembang as though berpulau-island, and by the Netherlands gave him the title as the de Twintig Eilanden der Stad (City of Two Puluh Island). Then according to G. Bruining, the island's most valuable (dier eilanden) is the place Kuto Besak, Kuta Lama and the Great Mosque stands.
Form to its islands in the city of Palembang is because the number of children and the river that cut through this city. Palembang is also rightly called River City One hundred. Whereas in the early colonial period, Palembang dijuluki by them as het Indische Venetie. Other is the surname de Stad des Vredes, that is where the rest (mean's Dar Salam). And this is indeed the official name of the Sultanate of Palembang Darussalam.
Structure and Technical
According to I. J. Sevenhoven, regeering commisaris Netherlands first in Palembang, Kuto Besak measuring 77 roede width and length of 49 roede (Amsterdamsch roede = approximately 3.75 m, or the length is 288.75 meters and 183.75 meters wide), with a strong wall around high and 30 feet wide and 6 or 7 feet. This wall with 4 bastion (bastion). Inside the walls there are still similar and almost the same height, with the gates strong, so that this can also be used to paint the walls first if you can didobrak (see LJ. Sevenhoven, Painting, page 14).
Measurement of the latest konsutan get yourself a slightly different size, the length of 290 meters and 180 meters wide.
Opinion de Sturler megenai condition fortress Kuto Besak:
"... Roede width 77 and length 44 roede, equipped with a 3 and a half bastion bastion full, a complete wall around all four sides. Wall thickness is 5 feet high from the ground and 22 and 24 feet.
In the middle of the Palace called Dalem, a special residence for the king, the higher a few feet from the ordinary building. Entirely surrounded by high walls of protection, so take one for the king. No one shall be king to live near this place unless the person or family who diperintahkannya. The other stone buildings in the Palace is a place to store ammunition and bullet. " (see W. L de Sturler - Proeve - page 186)
At the time of the battle against Dutch colonists year 1819, there were as many as 129 shoots gun above the wall Kuto Besak. Meanwhile, when the war years in 1821, only 75 shoots gun above the wall Kuto Besak and 30 shoots in the wall along the river, which threaten the attacker mode .*** [triyono-infokito]
Home Main Gate image Benteng Kuto Besak
Buratan gate (west gate side) Benteng Kuto Besak remaining
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hello jga...
ReplyDeletesalam kenal jga dari Qu,,,
Qm dari pAlembang yuA???
hyy jg indra..
ReplyDeleteseneng jga bsa kenal ma kmu..
kmu nag palembang yaa??
klo aq nag manado..
lam knal ja deh..
sering-sering ngasih comment ya d blog aq..
ReplyDeleteim kayla
Hello Indra,
ReplyDeletePleased to meet you too!
Wah, indah banget tuh malam di Palembang. Sayangnya aku baru liat lewat foto hiks...
ReplyDeleteBTW Mas Indra hebat eii sejarahnya. Top bgt.
Very interesting and colourful blog. Kudos! I invited myself as a follower.
ReplyDeletenice picture!
ReplyDeletemakasih ya ..komentarnya
ReplyDeletesalam kenal juga dari makassar
ReplyDeleteTw info jogja dr mn?
Ya ap yang kamu pikirkan ttg Jogja, ya sprt itu lah.
Stidaknya q bangga tinggal di Jgja, hehe...
Kapan maen k jgja??
Iy nh,Q kul ambil mahtematics...
Km ndiri ckrg lg cibuk ap?
wah bagusnya blognya... didukung ama gambar gambarnya hebad
ReplyDeletehello...salam kenal juga yah dariku, aku rahimah,thank's udah bersedia berkunjung ke blog aku. sering2 mampir yah di blog aku n jangan lupa kasi commentnya......
ReplyDeleteNice to meet you, too! Thanks for visiting my blog.
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aq sekrg cuman bisa menunggu n terus bergrilya mencari informasi
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How can I be your follower?
ReplyDeleteI wanna be it, because your blog is so nice blog.
And because your blog, I interested to know so far about Palembang...
salam brotherhood,
januari 2008 gw lama di palembang, soalnya bokap gw waktu itu jadi konsultannya AN,(gubernur yang sekarang),
ReplyDeletegw sempet jalan2 keliling palembang.. sumpah palembang emang tempat bersejarahnya keren keren banget..
sayang ga terawat kayak ada keraton apa itu namanya, jadi pabrik pusri:(
Cool blog ;D
ReplyDeleteun beso amiga la verdad no te entiendo naada , hablame en espeƱol xD ajajajaj
I like the first image. Beautiful scene.:)
ReplyDeleteiyah bang.. saya suka banget ^^
ReplyDeletekalo abang gimana?
wah.. kota Palembang indah banget ya.. suasana lampu-lampu malamnya deket sungai tu keren banget. kapan yah saya bs ke sana??