
Eight Hours Cake

8 Hours cake is typical Palembang cakes and of course only in Jakarta, made in brass and zinc in a mature the oven for 8 minutes exactly! This cake taste sweet, sticky, and very unique with the pastry in the world. This is because the length of time the process earlier.

8 Hours cakes are usually made to serve food in the Imlek and Idul Fitri. But, because making its a long time, not many people who want to throw a lot of electricity costs, especially in electricity sometimes like that off.

I wonder, 8 Hours Cake is a dish for the noble Palembang. Not any person can menyantapnya. Currently, almost all the people enjoying the free Palembang. Unfortunately, the process making its a long time, this cake does not make confectionery made daily. Typically, 8 Hours Cake is served on the feasts particular, such as at the time Imlek and Idul Fitri.

How this cake is served with a piece to bring before the guests, and sliced thin-thin, about 1 cm. Thinly sliced his feeling this was a very sweet cake, so eat only a little is enough.
• 12 egg duck egg
• 400 gr sugar
• 175 g sweet condensed milk
• 25 gr margarine, melted
• I wrapped jelly powder white

How to Make:
• shake the eggs and sugar until dissolved, then filtered.
• Enter milk, jelly, and margarine, shake briefly.
• Olesi brass 15 cm square with margarine, and the dough into it.
• Steam the dough for 8 hours with a small fire, until brown and cooked.
• 8 Hours Cake ready in 20 to served cut.


  1. Hello, I'm Laura. Thanks for comment!

  2. em sedapnya
    minta dunk

  3. hello juga....
    salam kenal juga..
    tahu blog aku darimana???..
    emangnya kamu duta wisata di Palembang ya?? abis blog kamu isinya "all about Palembang" sih.. Thank you udah kasih commentnya...

  4. owh.. lagi online toh??
    emang sih..kita harus bersyukur n bangga sama kota dimana kita ditempatin.. stuju???...

  5. baek-baek aja.. bagian kota aja yang tetep rame.. apalagi ada kampanye.. ya.. begitulah..
    kalo disana???...

  6. Hei . . . Lam kenal juga . . .
    Aku orang baru d blog n msh agak bingun
    he he
    jd mohon bantuannya

    eh aku bs d jumpai juga d fb n ym dg alamat email triliyana@yahoo.co.id

  7. Lam kenal juga . . . .
    Selain blog aku juga ada d fb n ym
    dg alamat

  8. Hai!
    really nice to know you..
    I adore pempek palembang..hehehe..
    will you drop by to my hometown bogor and bring some pempek palembang? so we can celebrate our new friendship! haha..
    once again,
    great to know you, indeed sir!

  9. Привет, у тебя очень познавательный блог)Правда,на русский язык переводит не совсем верно,поэтому иногда смешно получается)))

  10. Yummi..

    Makasiy udah komentar di blog saya.

  11. That looks like a nice cake to eat.Thanks for sharing.


  12. Hi!I'm Tomochan.Thanks for comment.Incidentally,I think that 8hours cake is strage...I wish once I eat it.

  13. hi
    senang berkenalan dengan anda juga:D

  14. enak tuh kayaknya..
    salam kenal juga..

  15. Hello, Indra. Thanks for your letter. I am fine. How are you? Your blogs are very interesting. If i have an opportunity I will visit your town antd taste 8 hours cakes. Looks tasty!

  16. salam kenal juga bro

  17. Hemmmm Yummmy.... Enak...

  18. waw banyak juga ya yang ngomment bahasa inggris gue pke bahasa kita aja yaw biar lebih akrab gito. kunjungan with balasan comment
    by http://nationalinks.blogspot.com/

  19. Halo sobat.. :) dpt PR tuh cek di blog ku yah.. sambil makan 8 hours cake pasti mantabz tuh.. :D

  20. hmmh sepertinya sedap banget tuh kue 8 jam. tapi kalo bikin sendiri sih wah nyerah..8 jam gitu loh. mending makannya aja deh
    salam kenal
    please visit my blog

  21. salam kenal juga bro.... nice to meet you..


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