
Lost Buddha statue from the Museum Balaputra Dewa

Palembang - A Buddha statue made of bronze up to 17 cm wide and 7 cm with 7 cm thickness Museum collection Balaputra Dewa, Palembang, and be lost to the present existence is not clear
Placard displayed in a cabinet in the museum exhibition, the statue is a monument to the Kingdom of Sriwijaya XI century BC.
The statue is worth hundreds of millions of rupiah was displayed during this exhibition in the cabinet made of glass 30 cm thick in the exhibition space II Museum Balaputra Dewa. In the poster also mentioned, the Buddha statue in the identification of the hands and Mudra is realized as the Buddha was sitting in the position padmasana up with the right hand in the lift, while the leg is in attitude pralambhavadasana or sit cross-legged like people are be imprisoned.

"We have to get there, but the museum is not cooperative. Do not even report the incident to the officer, "said the Head of Police Sector Sukarame AKP FX Irwan Arianto, Thursday (12 / 3).

Although museum officials not to report, Irwan clear, the police keep moving to the place of occurrence. However, many of the damaged, including fingerprints.
Head of the Museum of Balaputeradewa, Syafei Wahid, will report this incident because it is still doing internal inspections. "We do not want to guess who suspect involved in this case. The clear, is to report to the Head of Department of Education and Culture South Sumatra," he said.
Buddha statue at 17 cm, width 7 cm, 7 cm thick that are made from the seated bronze, found in Bukit Siguntang around 1990, gold-plated. However, because the travel time is lost gold.

The statue is said Central Head Arkeolgi Nurhadi Rangkuti, it is very important for the community South Sumatra, for this inscription can reveal the existence of Sriwijaya in Palembang.


  1. potingan yang bagus .jadi rindu akan kota palembang

  2. I Love Palembang City
    Best Regards : Wong Kito Galo

  3. kerajaan yang besar dan bersejarah, sepatutnya untuk di kenang dan di lestarikan peninggalannya dong ya...

  4. Lam kenal juga Bro....Belompernahke Palembang....pengen suatu saat nanti dapet menyambangi.....

  5. Salam untuk Palembang...
    Senang berkunjung ke sini, Kawan.

  6. Salam dari Riau...

  7. Well I hope you can read english! Thanks for visiting my blog.. my brother in law lives in Pekanbaru in Sumatra! Small world eh?

  8. Who wanna own the statue?! You can't just steal a statue and sell it to stranger, except if he's an archaeology-maniac!

    But the Bureau of Tourism and Culture should pay responsible for this, they're supposed to guard the nation's heritage better. I hope the statue's new owner take care of it well. Not everyone can create the statue as perfectly and as historically as it was.

  9. I have many friends from Indonesia. it is nice to know you.

  10. Hi Indra,
    Thanks for your visit to my blog.

    With every blessing

    Revd.Deacon Ed Bakker

  11. yups..
    gw juga senang kenalan ama kmu...

  12. Hi!I'm Tomochan.
    Thanks for comments!


  13. waoo.. nice to meet u..


    isina bagus"

    suka traveling ya!

  14. Thanks for visiting my blog.
    your blog is wonderful.

  15. good morn Indra ...
    thanks for the follow..
    hope you have a great weekend..
    mona & the girls

  16. nice blog for palembang....
    Salam kenal

  17. heloo jua .....
    semoga dgan da ya blog ini tdak jd halangan buat kita nambah teman...

  18. Hi friend.. Interesting post.. Nice blog work.. keep it up..
    will drop by your site often.. Do find time to visit my blog and post your comments..
    Have a great day.. Cheers!!!

  19. salam kenal jg ya teman,palembang termasuk kampung halamanku jg lho ^^

  20. kapan2 daku main2 ke palembang ah.makasih postingnya om dan makasih juga udah mampir

  21. lam kenal juga...eh bukannya patungnya dah ketemu and malingnya juga dah ketangkap? sering banget barang di museum hilang krn mahal banyak yg mu nyuri tuk dijual ke kolektor kaliii ya...he..he..

  22. aku datang lagi neh.. setelah menghilang 1 minggu

  23. kak..
    kok coment'y cmma 1 sii...??
    itt bssa nge.coment..
    adk kan udd klik iklan kk..

    tpp makasii bnyak udd ngasii coment..^^

  24. hai mas indra...aku dari www.aneh88.blogspot.com makasih dah komentar ya...

  25. Makasih ya sudah mampir. Salam Kenal Juga.... !!
    Blognya Mas Indra bagus, Minta tolong nich Kalo Bisa kasih juga trik dan tip Buat kita - kita yang lagi belajar... Mks

  26. waahh,.... palembang,.. kota mantan pacarku,...!!!

  27. Hello!

    Nice to meet you!

    Thank's for visiting and posting coment.

  28. km juga keren foto2x...

    jadi pengen k palembang.........

  29. sama2..

    tp mau g daftar jd pengikut ku di blogku
    coz masih sepi nich blog ku pengikutnya..hehehehe...ocee...^_^

  30. hai hai.........
    makasih dah sudi mampir di blogku..

    ternyata masihada ya yang cinta negri...

  31. Salam kenal juga, bro. Menarik sekali blog ini. Jadi tau mengenai kota Palembang


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