
Duku (Lansium domesticum)

Scientific classification

Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Rosids
Order: Sapindales
Family: Meliaceae
Genus: Lansium
Species: L. domesticum

Duku is a common name from a kind of fruit Meliaceae tribe members. Plants originating from Southeast Asia to the west is also known with names such as-complexioned, kokosan, pisitan, celoring and others with numerous variations. The names of a wide range indicates the existence of this variety kultivar that is reflected from the form of fruit trees and different.
Duku is the identity of the plants for the province of South Sumatra.

Lansium domesticum is a medium-sized, single-trunked tree that usually grows from ten to fifteen meters tall.

The plant has pinnately compound leaves that grow to a length of around twenty to fifty centimeters long per leaf. Each fully-grown leaf has five to seven slightly-leathery, obovate leaflets that can reach a length of twenty centimeters each. A very prominent midrib bisects each dark green, glossy leaflet
Fruits are ovoid, roundish orbs around five centimeters in diameter, usually found in clusters of two to thirty fruits. Each round fruit is covered by yellowish, thick, leathery skin. Underneath the skin, the fruit is divided into five or six slices of translucent, juicy flesh. The flesh is slightly acidic in taste, although ripe specimens are sweeter. Green, seeds are present in around half of the segments, usually taking up a small portion of the segment although some seeds take up the entire segment's volume. In contrast with the sweet-sour flavor of the fruit's flesh, the seeds are extremely bitter.The sweet juicy flesh contains sucrose, saccharose, fructose and glucose

South Sumatra Province is one of the areas of duku the potential to be developed, known by the name duku Komering duku Palembang or who have unique tastes and have high economic value.
Area duku plant in South Sumatra 6430.16 ha with average productivity of 5.7 tons / ha / year (Sumsel Department of Agriculture, 2002). Duku increase plant during the time that the farmers are done with the use of seeds derived from the seeds.


  1. mau dong dukunya !

  2. We called it Lansones here in the Philippines...

    Have a nice weekend Indra

  3. ah. duku baturaja. duku palembang. lemak nian...

  4. @indra :

    monggo saja om dinikmati g ada, dengan senang hati saya menjadi teman siapa saja...

    sering sering berkunjung aja bos, and comment2 juga ya

    saya juga punya saudara d baturaja dan yg paling saya seneng klo kesana yakni durian & tempoyaknya ......

    boleh niy dikirim temanmu ini yg dijawa.....heheheheh

  5. duku is kesukaanku banget, pernah lho ampe sakit peyut. lam kenal juga ya. senang bisa jadi teman. thanks kunjngannya. aku alumnus polsri lho.. jadi msh ngerasa klo aku org palembang.

  6. T: "Duku Palembang berasal dari mana?"
    J: "Yaa dari Palembang"
    T: "Bukan!"
    J: "???"
    T: "Dari kebun duku donk..."
    Hehe... >.<

  7. SO nice to meet you. I love poeple from Indonesia...they are the most friendly and respectful in the world. We sailed on a Holland America ship and the crew were all from your country. We took another cruise because of them.
    Many blessings to you and your wonderful country...Love from Miss Peach

  8. hello Imdra...

    thx for visiting our blog...means that...

    love to see your blog too...

  9. wah wah
    thx dah maen ke blogku
    lam kenal dari lampung

  10. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment !
    I'm looking forward to reading yours... It seems very interesting.

  11. Hi! Your blog is very interesting, so, I realy enjoy reading it :)

  12. thanks for checking out my blog, i've just had a look through yours and it's so interesting! hopefully i'll get to travel through indonesia someday :)

  13. Hi Friend.. Interesting post.. Keep up the good work..Do find time to drop by my site and post your views... Take care.. Cheers mate!!!

  14. Thank you comment.
    I using translation.
    i do not understand English.


  15. Thanks yah atas commentnya di blogku.. salam kenal..^^

  16. ko mirip ama langsat iaaa....

    di tempet rinie langsat dehh kaya naa.. hheee

    lam kenall

  17. yup... langsat,... huee.. enak banged tuhh .. rinie suka uy.. hhhe

  18. Interesting. I have been to your country before, but I never saw these.

    Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog.

  19. hi indra..
    aku suka duku!
    tapi..kamu komen blog aku..
    satu, dua, tiga kepastian..
    dalam bahasa korea..
    aku tidak faham..
    can u explain?

  20. ini buah ngingetin saya kampung nenek di salah satu desa di Musi Rawas.

    hmmm, jd iler neee

  21. wooo... i like it...
    is it duku raswan?
    hopely you will drop it to batam .

  22. Aku suka duku... Trimakasih sudah komen di blog-ku :)

  23. Ah, we have this fruit in Malaysia as well. Sweet and a little sour, quite an interesting species.

  24. kalo bisa kirim ama aq dunk soalnya aku suka banget duku


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