
Museum Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II

Location: Side bridge Ampera in the Ilir
Kuto Kecik palace or Kuto LAMO palace, built in line with the development of Masjid Agung Palembang. When the power held Palembang Darussalam Sultanate of Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin Jayo Wikramo or SMB I (1724-1758 M), the idea emerged to build a new mosque Previously, Palembang palace built Mas Ki Hindi or Sultan Abdurrahman Khalifatul believers Sayyidul Imam (1659-1706 M) located Beringin beaver in the area (shopping complex now Beringin beard). Sultanate mosque is located not far from the palace, namely in the area that is now known as Jl. Old Mosque. SMB Sulton I build a mosque (now the Great Mosque SMB II) at 1 Jumadil Akhir 1511 H discharging its and inaugurated on 28 Jumadil Beginning in 1161 H. Kuto LAMO palace (built at the time, ;) certainly not so called) was built exactly on the edge Tengkuruk River and around 100 meters from Masjid Sulton. During the government of Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II (1803-1821 M), which take turns with the power of his brother, Sultan Husin Diauddin (1812-1813 M) and Sultan Ahmad Najamuddin Prince Consort III (son of SMB II, 1819-1821 M) over the entrance the influence of Dutch and English, the fort took place this Dutch troops :z .

Background and History

Building Museum was founded in 1823 M, as a Dutch house Resident Office in Palembang. UPTD Museum to become the Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II since 2004 with a decree from the mayor of Palembang number: 19 2004.

Museum Location

Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin road II No. 2

Tel. (0711) 358450 Fax. (0711) 352573


Distance from: - Airport: 15 km

- Port: 3 Km

- Bus Terminal: 12 Km

- Train Station: 5 km


Museum collections include the Sultan Mahmud Dararuddin: Collection Numismatika, Etnografika Collection, Collection Keramologika, Art Collections, and Collections erkeologika Collection Biologika.

Schedule kunjung Museum

Monday / National Holiday: Close

Entrance Ticket Price

a. Adult: Rp. 1000, --

b. Children: Rp. 1000, --

c. Entourage: Rp. 1000, --

Museum Facilities

Area Land / Building Size: - m2 / 700 m2

Consists of:

- Permanent Exhibition Space

- Outdoor Library

- Storage Space Collection

- Space Administration

- Audio Visual Room

- Toilet


Number of Employees Museum Balaputera god of: 7 people

Consists of energy:

- Educational assistance: 1 person

- The Administration: 3 people

- Cleaning Service: 3 people

his great museum is 32 meters long, 22 meters wide, and 17 meters high. It was first built by the Dutch colonial government in 1823 and completed in 1825, for the Dutch resident's official home in Palembang. Earlier, this area was a palace of Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin Jayo Wikramo, popularly known as Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin I in 1737. After losing a battle to the Dutch in 1821, the palace was destroyed and Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II was exiled.

The function of this building was changed over time in line with local dynamics. It was once used as a Japanese headquarters during the Japanese invasion, TNI's headquarters at the early stages of Indonesian independence, a local government office and eventually a museum.

This Museum has many historical objects related to Palembang city and its cultures including the Buddha Siguntang statue and Palembang traditional dais.

To enter this site you will pay only Rp 1,000 (about 10 cents US). This Museum is open everyday, except for national public holidays. From Monday through Thursday and on Saturday and Sunday, this museum is open from 08.00 to 16.00. On Friday, this museum only opens half a day from 08.00 to 11.30.


  1. wah mantep nie, dulu saya pernah ke palembang, di musi banyu asin, tapi sayang nga mampir kesini

  2. waahh~ palembang selain kota BARI...
    ternyata kaya akan kebudaan nya juga :D

  3. Thanks heaps for the pictures!!! =) I've been looking for the inside picts coz i didn't get a chance to go inside the museum last time i was in Palembang :(


  4. Alam dan Budaya adalah sahabat yang perlu untuk kita jaga... smoga tetap terjaga untuk slamanya... :)

  5. Great museum to see which will help to know the history and cultures. Thanks for sharing and I appreciate it. airport parking stansted


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