River musi located in city centre palembang, split city is 2 areas that is Seberang Ilir at part north and Seberang Ulu at part south. River musi has long 750 km and be longest river at sumatra island. from our riverbank can enjoy twilight in the evening and see city special raft houses palembang.
Musi River is a river that is located in South Sumatra Province, Indonesia, with 750 km long, this river is a long one on the island of Sumatra.
Since the Kingdom of Sriwijaya, the river is famous as the main means of public transportation.
Musi River on the edge there is a port of Boom and the New Museum of Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II.
This is still ongoing in the Sultanate of Palembang Darussalam.
Up to now Musi river is still the alternative transportation routes to a particular region and for the purposes of a particular. Some in the industry along the river Musi also take advantage of the existence of this river Musi.
Main source of water comes from the Musi river Kepahiang region, Bengkulu, and empty in the 9 (nine) the major rivers, the River Komering, Rawas, Batanghari, Leko, Lakitan, Kelingi, LEMATANG, Semangus, and Ogan. Nine Batanghari itself is the expression for the nine major rivers this.

Musi River City Palembang split into two areas: Ilir across the north and across the southern part of the Ulu. Musi River, along with other rivers, form a delta near the city Sungsang.
At the time of the Musi River can be seen as House residential duplex, PT. PUSRI, Pertamina, Regional Good Yellow, Lawang Kidul Mosque, Mosques Merogan Ki, Benteng Kuto Besak and community activities along the river is.
Acts of the river or city de stad der twintig eilanden (20 islands of the city) can still be sold as the story of the tour. The existence of approximately 108 rivers that cut across the city of Palembang lembahnya with the peat-boggy, now we will not find again.

So many rivers in the city of Palembang with their lives, then people equate Palembang with Europe's Venice East, in addition, is also known as de stad der twintig eilanden (city twenty islands). The islands in this form because of the children of the river valleys that have cut, in addition to the Musi River on the islands are among the other islands Kembaro (Kemaro) and Kerto Island.
Along the Musi river water can be met with a number of residential houses rakitnya, PT center industry. PUSRI, PT. Pertamina and PT. Cement Baturaja, the island Kemaro, Good Yellow complex burial, burial site of kings of Palembang Darussalam Sultanate, New Port Boom, Arab villages, Lawang Kidul Mosque, Mosques Merogan Ki, Benteng Kuto Besak, Ampera bridge, the Museum of Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II and much again.
Musi river flows cruises have a lot of twist. At some point even going constringency flow. Depth of flow is highly dependent with tidal sea water. The difference between the tidal creek to the port of Bandar Baru Boom ranging six hours. So that ships entering the port must be able to adjust the schedule with this condition.
Tidal Musi River between 30 cm to 275 cm with a single daily. That is, if being retroactive, so ships have to wait a day can walk. In such conditions, this river can only be plied medium-sized vessels (up to seven meters draft) for six hours per day.
Musi River on the population to give a character a special character like the river, the calm on the surface but underneath menghanyutkan. This is the character semon (all) of the population of this city. In addition, tidal currents are very different in the surface of the river, is a controversial character of the population that is gentle he can react beyond a doubt. This is the general description (stereotype) community Palembang be depicted by a reporter and author of the age in the Dutch maritime
thanks infonya